Ep. 240: Change is Scary


Did you know that there is no 'did you know' fact on this episode?
On this episode, Ashdin talks about one of the questions that he was asked on a virtual meetup that he did with listeners of The Habit Coach. The question - Why is change so scary? Tune in to find out the answer and why we should push ourselves to expand our comfort zones.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 239: The Habit of Hope


Did you know that every single day 200,000 people are lifted out of the poverty line? Or that, everyday, 300,000 people get access to electricity for the first time! Or how about the fact that life expectancy has doubled, and is continuing to increase?
It's fascinating when you dig deep into the way futurists are looking at the world. Most future thinkers don't look at the world as all doom-and-gloom. In fact, the future looks full of hope.
On this episode, Ashdin talks about the feeling of hopelessness, how to avoid it, and how we can make hope a habit. Tune in to find out how.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 236: Giving a Compliment


Did you know that receiving a compliment had the same positive response as receiving money. Moreover, giving a compliment has as much a positive result as getting a compliment!
On this episode, Ashdin talks about how to and how not to give compliments and the impact they can have. Tune in to find out more.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 234: First Look at The Good


Did you know that there are over 30 different ways in which we can classify human blood? The typical 'A, B, AB' method of blood classification that we're all used to, is just one of the many ways we can classify our blood.

On this episode, Ashdin talks about how we can change our perspective of the world, by creating the habit of first looking for and celebrating the good before reacting to the bad. Tune in to find out how.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 226: Gratitude Totem


Did you know that the roped female figure of the Statue of Liberty represents Libertas - the Roman goddess of freedom?
On this episode, Ashdin talks about how we can carry gratitude with us everywhere we go and harness the power of gratitude by creating a 'gratitude totem'. Tune in to find out more.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 224: Gratitude Jar


Did you know that our brain is so powerful that it can recreate a memory and make you feel how you did back then?!
On this episode, Ashdin talks about the importance of making your own 'gratitude jar' as a means of changing your mood, or just to appreciate your life more and change your life with positivity.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 192: Future Lie


Did you know that lying is actually bad for your health? Many studies have been conducted where they show that lies increase our stress level, thus affecting our bodies.
Turns out lying is bad for the brain too. Lying has so many negative aspects to it. You start with one lie and then you are forced to keep lying and coming up with bigger and more elaborate lies.
But, could there be a good way to lie? Of course there is! On this episode, Ashdin tells us how we can learn to lie about the future. Lies about about things we want to achieve. Tune in to find out how we can do that.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 179: What Is Health

Did you know the origin of the word 'health' means 'to be whole'?

Health is such a hot topic these days because, at some level, none of us feel whole. We all feel broken in some way, held together by sheer willpower and faith. Some aspect of our life feels broken and incomplete.
On this episode, Ashdin Doctor - The Habit Coach, talks about how he views health, wellness and fitness, and their relation to each other.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.