Ep. 408: Worrier or Warrior


Did you know that the most famous and possibly the most successful samurai warrior never had a bath? His name was Miyamoto Musashi.

On this episode, Ashdin talks about the mindset of a warrior, how we've all become chronic 'worriers' instead, the three things that cause us to worry the most, and how we can make the transition to being warriors and not worriers. Tune in to find out more.

Tune in to #TheHabitCoach with Ashdin Doctor for much more!

Check out the Awesome180 Habit Coach app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.awesome180.habitcoach

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website - Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel - The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (The Habit Coach - Awesome180)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 403: Over Scheduling


Did you that the first daily planner was introduced in 1773? It was created by Philadelphia publisher Robert Atkin. It was a planner that was divided by sections by week, very similar to the daily planners we have today.
On this episode, Ashdin talks about how to effectively use scheduling to our advantage in our daily lives, and how it can be highly beneficial as long as we don't over schedule our days. Tune in to find out more.

Tune in to #TheHabitCoach with Ashdin Doctor for much more!

Check out the Awesome180 Habit Coach app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.awesome180.habitcoach

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website - Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel - The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 207: Social Circle Review


Did you know that the origin of the word 'positive' comes from the old French word 'positif', which was a legal word and it meant 'formally laid down' or (in Latin) 'settled by agreement'. The word 'negative' on the other hand, comes from a word that meant 'to deny'. Isn't it fascinating that two words with such different origins are now used together so often. Today, 'positive' and 'negative' can mean many things. They can mean good or bad, they can mean 'yes' or 'no', and so on. We use these words everyday without much thought.

On this episode, Ashdin talks about using 'positive' and 'negative' in a way in which we can evaluate and choose who we spend our time with. Tune in to find out how we can do that.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 206: Work From Home - Scheduling


Did you know that employees who work from home feel that they're less distracted at home than at work? In a survey, it was revealed that a majority of workers believed that they could focus better at home because they weren't interrupted by colleagues. Also, a large majority felt less distracted at home as they weren't called into unnecessary meetings.
But how do you do it right and not let household distractions get the better of you?
On this episode, Ashdin talks about the first and most important step for working from home - the schedule. Tune in to find out how to schedule in the right way and plan your day at home.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 205: Home Office


Did you know that, before the industrial revolution, most jobs were in fact, 'Work From Home' jobs. Think about it - agriculture, craftsmanship, etc, are typically work-from-home kind of jobs.
Today, when we are having to work from home, we are finding it difficult to cope. We do not have the skills required to work from home, as they are a very different set of skills.
On this episode, Ashdin talks about how we can make 'Working From Home' a success, and it all starts with creating a ceremony around working. Tune in to find out how you can do that.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 204: Social Habits During Quarantine


Did you know that the longest solitary confinement sentence was 44 years!
Solitary confinement has been one of the worst ways to punish someone. This is because we are social animals, and we need social interaction to feel happy and to feel alive. As soon as that is taken away, we are left with our thoughts.

Right now, the entire world is in some form of confinement. We've lost our abilities to be free and venture out. We've lost the ability to be social, among other things that we used to take for granted.
Especially if you live by yourself, times like these may be exceptionally tough.
On this episode, Ashdin talks about the social habits we can keep during this quarantined time to make it the most social times of our lives. Tune in to find out how.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 202: Failing a Diet


Did you know that the average adherence to a diet is about 40%? Numerous studies have been done on diets, and it was found that only 40-60% of people complete a diet. And almost everyone will cheat on a diet a couple of times at least. This is because following a diet is like a challenge, it's a sheer show of will.

On this episode, Ashdin talks about what is the right way to deal with failing a diet, or a similar challenge. Do you start all over again? Do you continue and power through the rest of the diet? Tune in to find out.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 201: Home Workouts


Did you know that time passes faster for your face than it does for your feet?

With public places and gyms being shut all over the country (and even the world) due to the social quarantine, on this episode, Ashdin talks about home workouts, and how we should approach them, especially since we have no choice but to start working out at home.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 200: 200 Special!


200 Episodes, folks! That's about 200 habit tips for those quick and easy actionable habits.
On this episode, Ashdin takes us down memory lane to talk about how the podcast got started, and how he felt when entering the IVM studio for a recording for the first time. It's been a wonderful journey so far, and may it never end.
Thanks to all the listeners who have supported our show! Much love!

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 199: Dressing At Home


Did you know that the origins of 'Casual Fridays' started in Hawaii? They started a trend called aloha Fridays. What's important to note is that the dress code actually made a difference in the productivity of employees. In some creative organisations, a casual dress code increased productivity. Although, in sales, a stricter dress code was what worked.
The power of the mind is amazing. The environment we create for it is how it grows and thrives, or withers and dies.
On this episode, Ashdin talks about the importance of creating the right environment for our minds. Tune in to find out how you can do it.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 198: Don't Panic - Coronavirus


Did you know that the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' poster was printed in 1939. It was originally planned as a tool by the British Government to keep up the morale of the citizens.
The world seems to be going through a panic. Many people are reaching a stage of fear paralysis with the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
On this episode, Ashdin talks about three key learnings from the way the British in 1940 dealt with the horrors of the bombing. It was to keep up their morale, find the courage and stop panicking. We could all use those learnings right now. So tune in to find out what they are.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 197: Micro Workouts


Did you know that we have 7 billion atoms in our body? Not only that, we replace 97% of those atoms every year. Small things can have big impacts.
On this episode, Ashdin Doctor talks about the beauty of micro workouts - these are small and short workouts that you can do throughout the day to build strength. The amazing thing about these workouts is that they train your muscles without getting you to sweat so that you can carry on with your day. Tune in to find out how.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc

Check out Ashdin's website - Awesome180

Youtube Channel - The Habit Coach - Awesome180 

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

Ep. 196: Holi-day


Did you know that most ancient cultures had no word to describe the word 'blue'? Nowhere in Greek mythology is the word to describe blue used. They talk about red, black and white.
This led to the question. If we don't have a name for something, do we recognise that it is there? Turns out, no we don't. We have to constantly expand our consciousness to see more.
Holi is a good reminder to add colour to your lives. On this episode, Ashdin talks about how we can live a more colourful life, full of new interesting things, with no more monotony. Turn into the episode to find out how.

You can follow Ashdin Doctor on Instagram @ashdindoc (https://www.instagram.com/ashdindoc/?hl=en)

Check out Ashdin's website- Awesome180 (http://awesome180.com/)

Youtube Channel- The Habit Coach - Awesome180 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQpxuIf7moTOU8kCAu0Zfg)

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.