Ep. 925: CnB ft. Amit, Ayushi & Navin | Cyrus Meeting Ranbir Kapoor Long back, Vada Pav Prices on the Rise in Mumbai, Sri Lanka Announces the $51 Billion Dollars in Dept & Women has the Right

On Cock and bull this week, Cyrus is joined by Ayushi Amin, Amit Doshi & our co-host for this week- Navin Noronha. Cyrus reminisces about meeting Ranbir Kapoor back in the day at Red FM and his upcoming wedding to Alia Bhatt. Further, why do people wish 'Happy Good Friday', while actually, the day is a sad day and why it is called Good Friday. Moving on to the topics, they discuss how badly the mid-day article on Vada pav prices is written, them increasing by 3-5 rupees more plus Lemon prices soaring high as well. They also talk about Sri Lanka announcing $51 billion dollars in debt, with Covid and closing of tourism being key reasons, and is one family responsible for what is happening in Sri Lanka. Further, Ayushi tells us about women having the right to sue a man if he has not disclosed his sexuality, what does our panel today have to say about this, and what they feel about whether they consider this emotional cheating or physical cheating, are they the same thing or one is more, equal or less. Tune in for this and much more.

You can follow Amit Doshi on Instagram at @doshiamit

You can follow Ayushi Amin on Instagram at @ayushia9

You can follow Navin Noronhah on Instagram at @houseofnoronha

You can follow Antariksh on Instagram @antariksht: https://instagram.com/antariksht

Do send in AMA questions for Cyrus by tweeting them to @cyrussaysin or e-mailing them at whatcyrussays@gmail.com

Don't forget to follow Cyrus Broacha on Instagram @cyrus_broacha


In case you're late to the party and want to catch up on previous episodes of Cyrus Says you can do so at: www.ivmpodcasts.com/cyrussays

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Ep. 923: CnB ft. Aakash, Siddharth & Navin | Where is Silverie Today, Bridge Getting stolen in Bihar, Shanghai Going Through the Worse Phase & Man Guilty for Sleeping and Creating a Jam

On Cyrus says, brought to you by Jupiter money app, this week Cyrus is joined by Navin Noronha, Professor Siddharth Deshmukh, and Aakash Mehta. Today they discuss the Jupiter money app. Navin is recently back from Gujarat and is discouraged by his travel getting hijacked by some people there while Aakash feels Chennai is his second home, but he is always goofing up with languages while in Chennai. Also, where is Silverie today? Questions pile up in the comments section, Cyrus clears the myth of him having gone to Himachal for doing some comedy shows. Further, they talk about an entire bridge getting stolen in Bihar, how did the thieves successfully steal it and how it's the cop who comes out as the mastermind behind all this. Further, they highlight how Shanghai is going through the worst phase where people are screaming for food and water from their balconies and even doing barters with their neighbors for food. A story this morning breaks from Borivali where a man was found sleeping in his car in the middle of the road and last but not the least, the Maharashtra CM giving a controversial statement. Tune in for this and much more.

You can follow Aakash Mehta on Instagram at @kuchbhimehta

You can follow Siddharth Deshmukh on Instagram at @thetravellingprofessor

You can follow Antariksh on Instagram @antariksht: https://instagram.com/antariksht

Do send in AMA questions for Cyrus by tweeting them to @cyrussaysin or e-mailing them at whatcyrussays@gmail.com

Don't forget to follow Cyrus Broacha on Instagram @cyrus_broacha


In case you're late to the party and want to catch up on previous episodes of Cyrus Says you can do so at: www.ivmpodcasts.com/cyrussays

You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcasts App on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios