Ep. 458: Cock & Bull feat. Aakash Mehta, Kajol Srinivasan and Abbas


It's a house full of comedians on this week's Cock & Bull. Cyrus Broacha is joined by stand-up comics Aakash Mehta, Kajol Srinivasan and Abbas, The four of them start of by talking about talismans and superstitions they believe in which leads to a conversation about Aakash's boxers (go figure), they then discuss the political rigmarole in Maharashtra (we tried to keep up) and in the second half have a detailed discussion about the new developments in the Utsav Chakraborty-Mahima Kukreja case and whether they cast aspersions on the Indian #MeToo movement.

Follow Kajol on twitter @LOLrakshak

Follow Aakash on instagram @notkuchbhimehta

Do send in AMA questions for Cyrus by tweeting them to @cyrussaysin or e-mailing them at whatcyrussays@gmail.com

Don't forget to follow Cyrus Broacha on Instagram @BoredBroacha

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