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Miss Conduct S02 E12: Unniyarcha

For this episode we will be speaking about Unniyarcha, a famed heroine from the old ballads of Kerala, a state located at the south-western most tip of India.

As far as we know – Unniyarcha is not a real person, she is a character from the Vadakkan Paattukal, which are the northern ballads of the Malabar region. The ballads speak of Unniyarcha as a warrior. And today she is considered a famous female icon produced by Malayalam literature. 

Unniyarcha is revered for her bravery, her beauty, her independence, and her insane Kalaripayattu skills, which is a Malabar martial art form that is practised extensively even today. But most importantly, at least important to this episode, is that Unniyarcha is known for two things: 

  • Her undying loyalty to her clan; and

  • Her horrific revenge against the man who killed her brother.